July 2023

Ravensdown Temporary Stormwater Pond and River Discharge.

During Cyclone Gabrielle Ravensdown’s stormwater discharge pond, pump station, monitoring equipment, pipelines, river discharge structures were completely destroyed by the breach in the stop bank.  Initial indications were that the plant could operate under a resource consent exemption.  However, in late May 2023 it was confirmed that a new pond would be required and the plant could not be operated until this was achieved.  Business interuptions costs would be significant.

Within 7 weeks a new pond and all pertaining infrastructure was designed, consented, built and put into operation.

Artifex took the lead.  In the first week 6 different activities were commenced in parallel.  Preliminary geotechnical investigation, detailed design (civil, process, mechanical, piping, electrical and control) obtaining a temporary resource consent for the new structures (including Iwi consultation), construction pre-works (site clearing, stockpiling of engineered fill) and procurement of the required equipment (pumps, valves, switch rooms, generators etc.)  Civil construction and pipeline installation commenced within 2 weeks, pump installation and electrical 2 weeks later.  The last item to be built was the river outlet structure due to the extensive consultation required of mana whenua and the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council.


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Nature's Flame 6th Pellet Press